søndag 27. november 2011


Så... sakte, men sikkert nærmer vi oss desember. Idag var 1 adventsøndag ! tiden går så fort -Julaften som så mange ser frem til hvert år er her snart igjen ! jeg er all - about - christmas. Vanligvis begynner jeg juleforberedelsene i oktober, bare fordi jeg vil at jula skal vare så lenge som mulig ! men dette året er annerledes på ett vis. Julestemningen har ikke fanget meg helt. kanskje er det fordi høst feelingen fortsatt omfavner meg. Kanskje er det fordi student budskjettet begrenser julegave shoppingen. eller kanskje det er fordi jeg rett og slett ikke har tenkt så mye over at jula nærmer seg. Likevel ønsker jeg at førjulstiden skal være spesiell - og om ikke julestøvet har fortryllet meg inn i lilla & røde gledesbobler - så skal jeg gladelig være den som sprer litt julemagi rundt meg.. Derfor har lilleøster & meg satt igang med julebaking og julepynting. Idag har jeg fått gleden av å se et fantastisk JULESPILL på Intro - og fortsatt feiringen med julegløgg, pepperkaker, mandariner, julemusikk & fantastisk gode mennesker, hos debbi & meg. & egentlig er dette mye gøyere - å skape litt magi i hverdagen !

God adventstid <3 !

onsdag 23. november 2011


- Remember to always bring an umbrella when you go out the door, if you live in Stavanger

- Try not to drop your pop corn during your first movie - date :S

- Goin for a walk always makes you happier, especially if you walk with a good friend :)

- Be aware that ppl always watch you - dancin in totally darkness is no exception

- Never underestimate coffee

- Don't eat too much candy before Christmas, or ....December .

- Your curls will probably never obey your instructs - get used to it !

- If you're in a bad mood - make someone else smile. its contagious

- Church' is encouraging

- God is never too late

tirsdag 22. november 2011


" Happiness is a perfume you cannot pour to others without getting a few drops on yourself." - Ralph Waldo Emerson

lørdag 19. november 2011


One of life's greatest blessings is to have good friends around, a friend who loves you, even in times you don't manage to be a good friend yourself, is a priceless treasure..:)

Though I’m not good at keepin in touch

You always meet me with arms open wide.

Though I wish I had more to give,

You’ve promised that you’ll never leave my side.

Though I sometimes keep my heart shut,

You never forget the right key.

Though I pretend to manage it all,

You know how to look right through me.

Though I stumble into the wrong path

You guide me back by your very own hand.

Though I forget what life is all about,

You remind me of those Footprints in the sand.

Though I’m gettin colder than I intend

Your eyes shines with more warmth than the sun

Though I’m searching for safety & strenght

You remind me that there is no need to run.

Though I want to reach my goals

You show me how to focuse right

Though I sometimes loose it all

You never loose me out of your sight.

søndag 13. november 2011

Dancin Feet

when you cant stand still at the bus station - but you do plies & tendu & releves.. or when you take a walk in the dark while you listen to your ipod & suddenly you start dancin - or if you dance while you cook dinner.. oh maybe you've started to cry in front of your dance teacher! Maybe you look at your feet an every day you find new bruises or scars. or if you wake up and the first thing you do is find a flexibility position up the wall or you look at your leg doin developes...

most likely you've got the diagnosis called a dancer . :)

onsdag 9. november 2011


M : hey Debbie... is it normal to laugh till your stomach hurts like very day ???
D: well, I dunno.. But I dont think its normal to laugh yourself to sleep - OR laugh so much that you gotta stop eat during dinner... Like we do
M: oh..
D: Is it normal to crave chocolate every day though ??
M: duuu - we're girls
D: Right - so its like - we're kinda allowed to have some every day ??
M: of course !!! As long as you have it with a cup of coffee :)


M: what music will we listen too ??
D: I feel like Jessie J & David guetta
M YESS!! Lets danceeeeee

.....seconds later......

M: I hope no one is watching us right now
D: LOL, well at least I have your wedding speech ready
M: OOooppss
D: I guess we just have to face it... none of us know how to act normal
M: you're right.... I AM just SO happy :) Are you happy ???
D: Never been happier :-D !!!!

- Blessedfjes -