when you cant stand still at the bus station - but you do plies & tendu & releves.. or when you take a walk in the dark while you listen to your ipod & suddenly you start dancin - or if you dance while you cook dinner.. oh maybe you've started to cry in front of your dance teacher! Maybe you look at your feet an every day you find new bruises or scars. or if you wake up and the first thing you do is find a flexibility position up the wall or you look at your leg doin developes...
most likely you've got the diagnosis called a dancer . :)
ha ha ha, helt klart riktig diagnose sunshine :)
SvarSlettdu er fantasisk, og jeg elsker å lese bloggen din! ha en herlig dag, og take care i "dansebakken" på morgenene.. klem mamma
Jupp, no doubt about it! Helt riktig diagnose ;)
SvarSlettDU er heldig som har en diagnose.. :P
Jeg vil også ha en!
Tihi :)
Love You <3
tihiii- Renate din diagnose ville være multikunstner & hønemor ---> &VERDENS BESTE . <3 :)